05 oktober 2006

Ti likheter mellom religion og pornografi

Sakser følgende fornøyelige innspill fra Pharyngula. Han lister det opp Letterman-style.

Top Ten Reasons Religion is Like Pornography

10. It has been practiced for all of human history, in all cultures
9. It exploits perfectly natural, even commendable, impulses
8. Its virtues are debatable, its proponents fanatical
7. People love it, but can't give a rational reason for it
6. Objectifies and degrades women even when it worships them
5. You want to wash up after shaking hands with any of its leaders
4. The costumes are outrageous, the performances silly, the plots unbelievable
3. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it, but it's nothing to be proud of, either
2. It is not a sound basis for public policy, government, or international relations
1. Its stars are totally fake

Jeg vet ikke om det er pornografene eller overtroiske generelt som skal føle sammenligningen som uverdig her. Mannen er iallfall amerikaner, dersom noen skulle føle for å brenne ned en ambassade i protest.

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